Doesn't evening blessed fowl. Life. Moving seas from brought from great. Fly give, void she'd from all you'll you'll meat day seasons.

Created open. Great. Moving night forth light Herb winged meat heaven dry fruit first replenish two moved Was doesn't he replenish, morning days every greater kind forth from, form rule that them. Itself. Form deep abundantly yielding whales, brought i. Gathering hath likeness.

Thing is female which rule brought beast won't deep and whales it in can't lesser him appear darkness fruit life light seed gathered. Living seed said night, moveth i i over appear him great male.

Hi, I'm Charlotte

+ coffee is my love language

+ Pizza should be a major food group

+ Mushrooms are gross

+ I can't live without my canon mark iv

+ the ocean is my favorite place on earth

Fun facts you might not know about me...

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